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My stuff I wish, I would have taken better pictures over the years... many of my sculptures have gone to their new homes and I didn't get any pictures of them at all...
many of my sculptures have gone to their new homes and I didn't get any pictures of them at all...
I'm not sure what the best way is to orginize this, so I'll just use the "shotgun" method
one of my first eagles........maybe my favorite thing to do
for my grandma
This one didn't turn out as good as Grandma's...I was experimenting with a torch
Did this for a guy named Leo, who was also a "Leo"
Three of my angels
A white oak (very hard on tools) tree is still in ground
The owner used natural stain on hands and pickled the dove
although it's one peice, only touching in 3 places to make dove look like it's taking flight